IPSA World Congress - Poznan 2016
SOG organized 12 panels at the IPSA World Congress in Poznan (24-28 July 2016). Moreover, we held our annual business meeting with updates on the network and the journal Governance.
SOG organized 12 panels at the IPSA World Congress in Poznan (24-28 July 2016). Moreover, we held our annual business meeting with updates on the network and the journal Governance.
The conference was a huge success with plenty of intriguing and inspiring presentations and discussions - also thanks to the very many panel organisers, paper presenters and discussants and the active panel audience!
The SOG panels included:
- “Representative Bureaucracy in Comparative Perspective: Where and How Does it Work?” (chair: Prof. Eckhard Schröter)
- ”Public administration and the digital turn” (chair: Prof. Julia Fleischer)
- “Regulation in Crisis? Governance, governability and the contemporary state” (chairs: Dr. Eva Heims & Prof. Martin Lodge)
- “Output democracy? Bureaucracy as locus for public participation” (chair: Prof. Jacob Aars)
- “Organizing for societal security and crisis management: Governance capacity and legitimacy” (chair: Prof. Per Lægreid)
- “Vertical and Horizontal Administrative Interplay in the EU – Convergence, yes or no?” (chairs: Prof. Eva Heidbreder & Dr. Eva Ruffing)
- “The Consequences of Public-Sector Personnel Management Systems” (chairs: Prof. Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling & Prof. Sharon Gilad)
- “The administrative dimension of financial market regulation” (chairs: Dr. Tobias Bach & Prof. Kai Wegrich)
- “The Structure and Organisation of Government (SOG-PRO Project): Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence” (Prof. Kutsal Yesilkagit)
- “Mapping the State: Old and New Explanatory Perspectives” (Prof. Philippe Bezes)
- “Out of Control or over Controlled? Incentives, Audits and New Public Management” (Prof. Carl Dahlström & Prof. Marina Nistotskaya)
- “Policy proportionality” (chair: Prof. Moshe Maor)