Charles H. Levine was an outstanding scholar in the fields of public policy and administration. He played a major role in the creation and early life of both this journal and its sponsor, the Structure and Organization of Government Research Committee of the International Political Science Association (SOG). After his untimely death in 1988, the Editorial Board of Governance and the Executive Committee of SOG established an annual book prize in his memory.
Each year, the International Political Science Association’s Research Committee on the Structure and Organization of Government (SOG), sponsor of the journal Governance, awards the Levine Prize.
The Prize is awarded to a book that makes a contribution of considerable theoretical or practical significance in the field of public policy and administration, takes an explicitly comparative perspective, and is written in an accessible style. It is named in honor of Charles H. Levine, who was an accomplished member of the Research Committee and served on the editorial board of Governance. The prize is awarded on the recommendation of a distinguished committee.
Call for nominations: 2018 Levine Prize
The book selected should meet the following criteria:
1. It makes a contribution of considerable theoretical or practical significance in the field of public policy and administration.
2. It takes an explicitly comparative perspective or produces findings the implications of which are highly significant for comparative research.
3. It is written in an accessible style and form so that it is of value both to scholars and practitioners.
The Levine Prize will be awarded to the book published in 2017 that best meets these criteria.
Nominations should be made by 15 March 2018 and sent to the committee.
Please send a copy of the book to all three members of the committee.
The winner will be announced in the October 2018 issue of Governance, and in the SOG Newsletter.
This year’s committee includes:
Professor Claire A. Dunlop
Department of Politics
University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive, Exeter
EX4 4RJ, Devon,
Professor Linda White
Department of Political Science
University of Toronto
14 Queen’s Park Cres. West
Toronto, ON M5S 3K9
Professor Miriam Hartlapp
Department of Political Science
Free University Berlin
Ihnestraße 22
14195 Berlin Germany