The winner of the 2015 Levine Prize is Jessica Green for her book "Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance".
The committee says:
This fascinating book is a decisive contribution to the governance debate as it investigates the emergence, growth, and influence of private actors in global environmental and climate governance. It offers an innovative and novel theoretical approach, differentiating between ‘delegated private authority’ where state actors explicitly delegate rule-making authority to private actors and ‘entrepreneurial private authority’ where private actors engage in rule-making without such a delegation of state authority. Its empirical analysis combines quantitative methods assessing the growth and extent of private authority that is based upon novel systematic data on transnational environmental civic regulations with exceptionally well-conducted case studies on private authority in specific regulations of the Kyoto Protocol as well as in greenhouse-gas accounting and reporting.
This book advances our understanding of the role of private actors in transnational governance, most notably showing the relevance of the interplay between public and private actors for generating private authority. It demonstrates that entrepreneurial private authority is on the rise – and thereby triggers new research questions on legitimacy, accountability, and the relevance of public-private interactions for transnational governance. This book’s insights will make it highly relevant and useful for students of a wide range of topics in public administration and governance, public policy, and comparative politics.
This book’s insights will make it highly relevant and useful for students of a wide range of topics in public administration and governance, public policy, and comparative politics.
The Levine Prize 2015 committee was composed of Professors Wai-Fung Lam (The University of Hong Kong; Chair), Alan M. Jacobs (University of British Columbia) and Beryl A. Radin (Georgetown University).